1. Oil pulling therapy for healthy gums and whiter teeth. Learn more...
2. As a body moisturiser. Coconut oil is the secret to beautiful skin.
3. Healthy cooking oil. It is ideal because of its high smoke point.
4. Personal lubricant. All natural lubricant. No nasty chemicals, balances PH. No good with latex though.
5. Natural home-made toothpaste. So effective, easy and inexpensive to make. Here is the recipe...
6. Eye make up remover. Use a face cloth to wipe and pat dry. No chemicals so it wont sting your eyes.
7. Healthy smoothies. Add a tablespoon to your smoothies to balance blood sugars and boost nutrition.
8. Lip balm. It is so yummy and it makes your lips soft. The 20ml baby jars are the perfect lip balm.
9. Hair conditioner. Apply as you would a hair treatment. Leave in for 4 hours, or overnight and wash out.
10. Baby care. Helps cradle cap, nappy rash, skin irritation and digestion. It is gentle and pure.
11. Sunscreen. It has a natural SPF making it ideal for natural sun protection and skin care. Learn more...
12. Deodorant. A natural antibacterial just add your favourite essential oil for aroma. See deodorant recipe...
13. Home made raw chocolate, fudge, ice-cream and more. Try this cacao & coconut fudge recipe here...
14. Baking. It's creamy delicious, coconut taste makes it ideal in cakes and cookies.
15. Pet health. My dog loves it! She eats it off the spoon. I often put a tablespoon in her evening meal.
16. Treatment of fungal infection. It is anti-fungal and treats candida, athlete's foot, eczema and psoriasis.
17. Butter on toast. A healthy vegan option to butter. A great way to feed it to the kids too.
18. Nail care. Massage into cuticles for strong, healthy, beautiful nails.
19. Massage. It is so nicely absorbed and goes a long way. It is also therapeutic for skin and body.
20. Fitness. Coconut oil stimulates metabolism, improves thyroid function and increases energy levels.
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