By Jenni Madison
With a healthy mix of oils and herbs this recipe is seriously delicious and seriously healthy ... enjoy xx
Magical Ingredients:
1 packets kelp noodles
3 tblsp olive oil
pinch of salt
zest of 2 limes (remove skins from limes and add)
1 clove of garlic
1 tblsp sesame oil
pinch of chilli flakes
1 tblsp miso paste
1/2 cup of chopped coriander
1 tblsp mirin
3/4 cup of almond butter
1 handful of fresh basil
1/4 cup of Coconut Magic coconut oil
- You can also add some other vegetable or salad ingredients such as raw tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicum, carrots and/or rocket leaves, just slice them finely so that they blend in well with the noodles.
What to do:
Soak the kelp noodles in water for ten minutes.
Blend all other ingredients into a blender until smooth.
Mix everything together and enjoy. Garnish with some fresh basil and sliced finely sliced capsicum.