Caprylic Acid (C8) Coconut MCT Oil - Brain Power 480ml x 3
Nutrition Supplement
Caprylic Acid C8 Coconut MCT oil is a valuable fatty acid that converts quickly into keytones.
Caprylic Acid (C8) is the fastest of the MCTs found in coconut oil to convert into ketones and fuel to the brain. It is also has potent anti-microbial properties which assist with gut health. Making it an overall winner! The shorter the carbon chains, the less work it takes for your body to process and utilise the energy. For example Lauric Acic (C12) has 12 carbons, which takes longer to process than Caprylic Acid (C8), which has eight.
Caprylic Acid (C8) Coconut MCT Oil is the most optimal brain health supplement.
C8 Coconut MCT oil is flavourless, odourless, and can easily be added to smoothies, hot drinks, poured over salads or taken as a neat supplement.
Health Benefits
- Potent anti-microbial properties for optimal gut health
- Shortest chain MCT - converts to keytones most efficiently
- Fatest MCT to metabolise to the brain for memory, clarity & cognitive function
Add to hot or cold beverages for an easy energy boost. Use it to make dressing or sauces in your favourite dishes. Not recommended for cooking with high heat due to relatively low smoke point.
Caprylic acid (C8) MCT oil made from sustainably sourced non-gmo coconuts