I love a little bit of fresh fruit like apple, pear or pineapple in my green smoothie, along with lots of fresh mint and fresh turmeric root for it’s wonderful anti-inflammatory/alkalising effects. Adding roots to your juice like turmeric, ginger and beet are fantastic for grounding you and turmeric is well known for helping ward off colds and flus, helping with indigestion, lowering blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and helping to prevent cancer. (I’d say that’s worth adding to your regular diet!)
Servings – 1 | 234 calories per serving | Vegan, GF
Magical ingredients:
- 1/2 lebanese cucumber
- 1 stalk celery
- 1 squeeze of lime
- 1 green apple, peeled or 1/2 cup pineapple
- 1 handful spinach leaves
- 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 small bunch mint
- 1 inch piece turmeric root or 1/2 tsp dried
- 1 cup of filtered water or coconut water
What to do:
Run each ingredient through a blender one at a time,
add the cup of water and blend until smooth.
Stir and serve.