Raw Choc-Caramel and Choc-Raspberry Layers

Posted by Coconut Magic on .

Prepare; 2 cup cashews, soaked overnight and rinsed under cold water before blending.
Soak Medjool dates for 15 minutes in hot water, and drain it off before blending.

Magic Ingredients:

1 1/2 cup nuts (I used a blend of pecans and almonds)
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1/2 cup activated buckwheat
12 dates, pitted
2 tbsp clean water

What to do:

1. Process nuts, coconut and buckwheat until they crumble into the same sized pieces.
2. Put half of the dates in the blender until they break down. While the processor is still on, pour in the water until the mixture forms into a dough ball.
4. Halve the mixture into two, and press the mixture into two 4“ by 10“ containers. Set in the fridge.

Caramel layer:
1/4 cup of the soaked cashews
1/4 cup tahini
1/4 cup coconut nectar
6 Medjool dates
1-2 tbsp lucuma powder
2 tbsp almond or coconut milk
4 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp lemon
Pinch of pink salt

What to do:

1. Use a food processor container or blender jug, and blend all ingredients except for the coconut oil until it forms a smooth paste.
2. Lastly, add the coconut oil and blend again to incorporate it into the mix.
3. Smooth the caramel layer onto one of the bases and set in the freezer to firm it up.

Raspberry layer:
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries (thawed if frozen)
1/2 cup of the soaked cashews
4 tbsp almond/coconut milk
2 tbsp lemon juice
2-4 tbsp coconut nectar
4 tbsp melted coconut oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp beetroot powder (optional, it gives a lovely vibrant pink colour)

What to do:

1. In a small blender jug, blend all ingredients except for the coconut oil until the cashews break down and you reach a smooth consistency.
2. Add in any additional liquid (almond/coconut milk, water or lemon juice) if it’s too thick, along with the coconut oil, and blend again until you reach the desired consistency.
3. Pour the raspberry mixture on top of the other base, and place into the freezer to firm up while making the chocolate layer.

Chocolate layer:
The rest of the soaked cashews
1/4 cup almond/coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut nectar
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
4 Medjool dates
1/4 cup cacao powder
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 tbsp lucuma (optional)
1 tsp vanilla

What to do:

1. In a regular large blender jug (I used a Vitamix), blend the rest of the available soaked cashews, along with all ingredients except for the coconut oil.
2. Blend at the highest speed possible, but stop the blender every 30 seconds or so to avoid overheating the blender.
3. Add in the coconut oil and blend until it’s incorporated into the whole mixture.
Remove from the blender and it’s a bowl to place into the fridge, let it cool slightly and firm up the mixture for at least 10 minutes.
4. Mix the mixture slightly and using a spatula, smooth the chocolate onto both the caramel and raspberry slice until it’s smooth and coated evenly. Use a butter knife to get into the corners of the slice, to help coat all areas.
5. Place both slices into the freezer before slicing for at least 2 hours, and particularly be careful while slicing the caramel slice as it can get messy!

I topped the caramel slice with peanuts and cacao nibs, and the raspberry with freeze-dried strawberries!


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