Back in the 1930’s tropical oils were being widely used around the world. People were happy and healthy using coconut oil for its many health benefits. For almost 4000 years the news about coconut oil had been all good.
Coconut oil was then one of the leading and most consumed plant
based vegetable oils. The American Soy Bean Association then decided to scuttle and destroy its reputation. For economic and political reasons, they set out to take over the market with their own hydrogenated and heavily processed vegetable oils and margarine. Sadly, at the great expense of our health, they succeeded.
In a very clever single swoop approach that tarnished the reputation of the good oils along with the bad - all saturated fats were labeled as bad.
The tests published at this time were done using hydrogenated coconut
oils. These studies have no relevance to the
non-hydrogenated coconut milk or virgin coconut oil that you eat today.
It is now known that the process of hydrogenation creates
trans fatty acids (TFAs). TFAs are toxic in the body and known to impede cell
functionality and cause a rise in blood cholesterol. These substances are not
present in organic virgin coconut oil.
This scuttle is what has created the widespread misconception that coconut oil is bad for you, raises cholesterol levels and causes heart disease. Coconut oil
was clumped in the ‘saturated fat is bad’ category, along side saturated animal
Saturated fats in the form of animal fat do carry foreign cholesterol that tends to ‘clump’ together in the arteries, leading to raised cholesterol levels and heart disease. Coconut oil is a plant based, medium chain saturated fat that does not carry any foreign cholesterol. In fact it is the medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) of coconut oil that makes it so incredibly
Virgin coconut oil is now being rediscovered as the healthiest and most versatile oil on earth.
Jenni Madison
Author: Jenni Madison
Jenni started Coconut Magic when she returned from living in Thailand in 2011.Whilst abroad, Jenni had discovered the most amazing quality of coconut oil and experienced her own health transformation. Jenni returned with very little other than her coconut oil discovery and a desire to share it with the world. Just a few months after her return coconut oil and a whole new perception of well being started to become 'rediscovered' in the west. People were looking for clean, pure and sustainable, health products. People were eager to learn about health food, raw food and healing with plant-based nutrition. Based on this, alongside Jenni's passion to share what she had discovered in the East, the company grew fast.
Coconut Magic is committed to bringing you the highest quality coconut products, backed by sustainable, fairly traded production, and well being education.
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